Friday, October 17, 2008

Political Thoughts

I have a lot of political thoughts. Most people who know me will be surprised to hear that. I don't enjoy a good debate or a heated discussion. Consequently, I find most topics relating to politics unpleasant to discuss. I'm happy to share my thoughts and really very happy to hear other people's opinions too. But, I frequently find that the other people are not willing to let the conversation take a normal rhythm of give and take and before long; we're in a political discussion. Which is right where I don't want to be.

I do have one really strong view about politics that I'd like to share here in my blog. I will not find it amusing for readers to post argumentative comments. Otherwise, feel free to share your thoughts.

I think the most important skill or trait the president has to hold is being able to use good judgement. He or she must surround themselves with knowledgeable people and then be able to carefully listen to the information they receive and make wise, well informed decisions based on that information. They must have excellent resources and and excellent ability to see truth, fiction, manipulation, and motives.

Take John McCain for example. We is a hero. He served his country impressively and took on much more than one man should in order to defend our freedoms and rights. Upon returning from being a POW he continued to serve this country. And, while I don't agree with all the politics he endorsed in Washington, his record was upstanding and respectable. Instead of stopping there, he's throwing away his history in exchange for running for president. Win or lose, he'll never be remembered primarily for his heroic and dedicated life. He'll be remembered for the events of these years and they will never be held in high regard by more than 50% of the nation. I think that shows really poor judgement and no foresight. It makes me think that he's surrounded himself with people who are giving him poor advise. And just as important, he can't tell that the advise is ill-advised.

I like Obama. I met him at our little local 4th of July parade before he was anyone. I think he's respectable and shows good judgement. I think he could have waited 4 or 8 years to run for president and gained a little more experience, but given the choices, he'll have my vote in November. I'm most impressed with the people he chooses to form his team. No one person can lead. They need support, advisers, informers, defenders, and sounding boards. I think Obama will be successful because he shows good judgement in selecting his closest players.

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