Monday, June 15, 2009

Mommy Trap

A Mommy Trap is a situation where you try and make the best choice you can, but you don't know which choice will really work out best; and it seems that either choice could leave you wishing you'd made the other. Here is an example:

My house is pretty cluttered and somewhat dirty. I work full time and I don't have any cleaning help (besides my family). After work I usually make dinner from scratch (as opposed to using prepared meals or shortcuts) and spend time with the kids. We do crafts and play. We spend weekends going to the park and running errands. We see friends and spend lazy afternoons curled up watching movies together. Sometimes we clean house together. But, I never get the house as clean or as organized as I'd like. That's where the trap comes in.

I could just spend two evenings a week doing all the household stuff I feel should be done. I could tell the kids they are on their own to play or watch TV. Sandwiches for dinner. But, then I'd miss out on the time we have together. I tell myself, "When they grow up, they'll remember all the great times we had laughing, playing games, baking together. They won't take pleasure in remembering the house was clean."

On the other hand, they might not really recall all the endless nights of fun and they might remember the clutter and the dusty living room shelves. I think I'm making the right choice, but I might be making the wrong one. And, when I find out, it will be too late.

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